IM 4 – Import for home consumption
IM 5 – Temporary Admission subject to re-exportation
IM 6 – Re-importation
IM 7 – Warehousing
IM 8 – Transit and Transshipment
Carrier/Shipping Agency:
Registers manifest in the Customs ASYCUDA System 48 hours prior to arrival of the vessel and distributes Arrival Notice. Ship arrives within 48 hours and discharge consignment.
Hires a clearing and forwarding agent and submits transport and other transaction documents.
Registers, a declaration (SCD) in the Customs ASYCUDA System, generate an assessment notice and attach transport, transaction and other materials provided by the importer.
Commercial Bank:
Make payment is shown on Assessment Notice to the pre-payment account of the Clearing and Forwarding Agency.
Customs Longroom:
- Face vets registered declaration and all attached documents and verify payments.
- Rejected when inadequate, and a Rejection Notice issued indicating criteria.
- Risk-based selectivity criteria will route declarations of assessed risk parameters (Green, Blue, Yellow or Red)
Customs Inspection:
- Green Lane Declarations – Declaration is error free. No office selected for consignments that will go green. Agent proceeds to Customs Release Office.
- Blue Lane Declarations - Perishables items found or importer found to be of low risk. Agent proceeds to Release and subjected to Post Clearance Audit
- Yellow Lane Declarations – A systematic documentary check is conducted on SCD and attachments.
- Red Lane Declarations – A systematic documentary check carried out on SCD and attachments followed by a physical inspection of the consignment.
Customs Release:
Generates perforated Customs Release Order.
Sierra Leone Ports Authority (SLPA) Delivery:
Ends process and generates System Exit Notes notifying consignment release.
Customs Exit Gate:
Acknowledges exit of the consignment ensuring that what was released by customs is indeed what is being withdrawn.
ASYCUDA and the Clearing process